Enhancing voice and inclusion with mobile technologies and social networks

Below is a very short proposal that was submitted to DGG to BDP’s Policy Group as part of the so-calles multi-practice proposals that the Bureau is planning to launch. This is still very early early stages in the process.

The explosive growth of mobile technologies combined with the role that social networks have played in recent event in the Middle East provide fertile ground to think outside the box and plug the new technologies into core development process.

The “democratization” of the access to technologies and social media open the door for new ways in which development gaps can be addresses. This entails a two-prong approach: 1. Give people voice in decision making process that will directly affect their lives and make them part and parcel of it.. It is now possible for public institutions to reach out and interact with stakeholders in rapid and efficient fashion. 2. Use the new technologies to deliver some of the basic public services and information that people need to access to improve their own lives and become active citizens.

DGG is already undertaking some of this work under the area of e-governance. But the approach describe above cuts across most if not all of the areas in which BDP works including inclusive growth and environmental sustainability for example. On this basis a cross-practice team lead by DGG can be easily established and include both the Poverty (and HIV) and EEG Practice. Within DG, cluster leaders can be part of the cross-practice team  and appoint working level cluster members  the team.

They can include:

  • Cross-practice concept and guidance note
  • Dedicated TWs group and development area
  • Mapping of ongoing UNDP and others activities in this area
  • 3 to 5 pilot programmes regionally distributed
  • Monitoring and impact assessment of pilots
  • Capturing of lessons learned good practices
  • Revision of concepts an guidance  notes
  • Mainstreaming into UNDP’s programme countries

Between 250k to 500K for the first year. Pilots are not envisaged to be “expensive” and will also build on ongoing programmes and projects.

Cheers, Raúl

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