Category: Human Development

  • E-government Development II

    E-government Development II

    In this sequel post, I will look at the various components of the UNDESA e-government index and then introduce the EIU democracy index to explore potential interlinks between the two,  Components The e-government development index (EGDI) comprises three distinct components 1. Online services. 2. Telecom infrastructure. And 3. Human capital.  While the last two are…

  • Waste no time waiting  for e-Waste data

    Waste no time waiting for e-Waste data

    The town where I currently reside is planning to change its e-Waste collection policy starting next year. As it is today, town people can go downtown once a month and drop their old computers, laptops, monitors and the rest. This will now be reduced to one day per year. Missing that date will entail people…

  • Have You Ever Seen a Blockchain?

    Have You Ever Seen a Blockchain?

    A silent but intense competition seems to be taking place when it comes to defining blockchain technology. A Google search for the question “What is blockchain” yields over 120 million possible results. This number includes thousands of guides, videos, FAQs and other “educational” material on the subject. A shining example is a video depicting a…

  • Case Study:  WFP Building Blocks Jordan Refugee Pilot

    Case Study: WFP Building Blocks Jordan Refugee Pilot

    [I wrote this edited draft case study for a larger blockchain research project led by The GovLab.  The final project report included a shorter version of my draft.] 1. Overview Launched in January 2017, the World Food Program Building Blocks blockchain initiative targets over one hundred thousand refugees living in the Azraq camp in Jordan.…

  • Democracy and Capitalism: Friends or Foes?

    Democracy and Capitalism: Friends or Foes?

    The post-WWII era can be arguably defined as the golden age of democratic capitalism – at least from the perspective of developed or industrialized countries. Rebuilding Europe and pumping capital into Japan triggered a prolonged economic boom until the 1980s, notwithstanding the 1973 oil crisis. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 opened new…

  • Blockchains: The Patents Are Coming!

    Blockchains: The Patents Are Coming!

    Open source is one of the core traits of blockchain technology propelling its rapid adoption and growth. The source code from the most popular platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric is freely available for download by anyone who wants to play with the technology. Granted, users wishing to deploy and use these platforms…

  • Deconstructing the Gender-Equality Paradox in STEM, Part II

    Deconstructing the Gender-Equality Paradox in STEM, Part II

    In the previous post, I detailed some issues that could help explain in part the gender-equality STEM paradox. Recap These can be summarized as follows:  The Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) measures gaps not levels. It is thus a relative indicator that takes stock of the gender gap regardless of the level or depth of…

  • Deconstructing the Gender-Equality Paradox in STEM

    Deconstructing the Gender-Equality Paradox in STEM

    A paper on the subject published a couple of weeks ago in the academic journal Psychological Science attracted plenty of attention thanks to some of its surprising conclusions.1 The paper is behind a paywall. Its main finding is that, contrary to all expectations, there is an inverse relation between gender equality and the number of…

  • Blockchain Technology and Human Development revisited

    Blockchain Technology and Human Development revisited

    I was invited to Canada to discuss my blockchain technology paper. Here are my opening remarks at the panel organized by Government Affairs and IDRC. Speaking about a seemingly complex subject such as blockchains poses a challenge not only for me but also for you, the audience. More so when the time is scarce. It…

  • An Overview of Blockchain Technology and Digital Identity

    An Overview of Blockchain Technology and Digital Identity

    Like previous digital technologies, such as the Internet, blockchain technology (BCT) has been driven by a high degree of techno-optimism not yet backed by on the ground impact or reliable evidence. Undoubtedly, the technology, which is still in its infancy, has enormous potential in many sectors and could promote human development if harnessed strategically. One…

  • Overall Perspectives on Technology

    Overall Perspectives on Technology

    Disruptive, transformative and revolutionary are some adjectives commonly used to describe the potential impact of new and emerging technologies on society. Joblessness, human decay, and the Singularity sit on the opposite side, constantly reminding us of the darker side of technology. Indeed, there are two traditional approaches to the social impact of technology, which, despite…

  • Cryptocurrencies and Development

    Cryptocurrencies and Development

    While not the only cryptocurrency around, Bitcoin was the first to solve the well-known double-spending problem that characterizes digital currencies. Tackling the issue demanded the creation of blockchain technology (BCT) combined with a brute force algorithm known as proof of work. Created in 2009, Bitcoin is now one of the largest (and most unstable) currencies…

  • Identifying the Displaced

    Identifying the Displaced

    After remittances and land titles, refugees are perhaps one of the primary targets of blockchain technology (BCT) initiatives promoting development or social impact. Bitnation, Aid:Tech and the UN World Food Programme, among many others, are good examples. Last month, at a BCT meeting in New York, UN Women shared its plans to launch a blockchain…

  • Identifying the Unidentified

    Identifying the Unidentified

    Identity access and management (IAM) is perhaps one of the areas where Blockchain Technology (BCT) could make a real difference. Research I am currently undertaken indicates that over one hundred BCT startups around the globe are focusing on this area. Add to this number the many other startups and organizations who have been engaged with…

  • Social Innovation Redux

    Social Innovation Redux

    Context I was invited to the Social Innovation – Driving Force for Social Change (SI-DRIVE) final conference, which took place earlier this week in Brussels. SI-DRIVE is a four-year project funded by the EU and launched in 2014. The project has undertaken comprehensive research on the topic. It has also managed to create a network…