Weekly Update: 20 April

It seems that change within BDP is now acquiring real shape. As the financial situation in the UN in general is far from optimal, we should then expect to have less resources available for the foreseeable future. Needless to say, this has implications not only for programming but also human resources. We will see.

It seems that the FOSS e-health proposal I drafted (see http://blog.raulza.me/?p=1317  ) has been endorsed by the government of Costa Rica. The National Social Security Institute is very interested in adopting some of the recommendations made. A conference call will take place next week, followed by a potential mission some time soon.

Seems that we have plenty of follow up on OGP, thanks to Minerva’s mission. We already got a sort of invitation from the WB to participate on an innovation week (14 – 19) May in Moldova. But we will see if the e-governance center there bites as so far it has been not been very supporting when it comes to  working with UNDP. We will see.

We are still planning to have an ICTD/egov CoP this year in partnership with BCPR. But we still need to agree on a date as the Access to Justice/Rule of Law which his also a joint DGG/BCPR CoP is expected to take place in October this year. I am also starting to work on the guidance note on ICTs and Crisis.

Cheers, Raúl