Update on OGP

The OGP Secretariat asked all 4 multilateral partners to submit an update of activities for the upcoming OGP SC meeting which will take place in May. Here is what we submitted.

After the OGP Summit in London, the UNDP Administrator sent a message to the UN Resident Coordinators and UNDP Resident Representatives in UNDP programme countries that are members of OGP, including cohorts 2 and 4. UNDP works in decentralized fashion and each country office is expected to take the lead at the national level.

Here is a summary of activities by Cohorts as reported by UNDP country offices.

Cohort 1

  • In South Africa, UNDP is in contact with the government discussing support for the implementation of the new national action plan

Cohort 2

  • In Albania, UNDP had been supporting the engagement of civil society and is exploring support that can be provided through the CSO Coalition for OGP. A micro-grant is under consideration
  • In Chile, UNDP is supporting the Chilean Congress with the Open Parliament Initiative and the Working Group on Open Legislatures
  • In Colombia, UNDP is supporting the national anti-corruption plan which is a centerpiece of Colombia’s national open government plan
  • In El Salvador, UNDP supported the update of the Action Plan through five consultations on enhancing public services, political integrity, corporate responsibility, building safer communities and improving efficiency in the management of public resources; as well as supporting the publication of the CSO independent report. UNDP is exploring support needed for El Salvador’s Action Plan 2014-2016. A micro-grant is under discussion
  • In Macedonia, UNDP was involved in the kick-off of the OGP process in Macedonia (actively involved in the development of the first Action Plan), and is assisting specific institutions on their inputs to the second Action Plan (related to UNDP support for efforts on local governance, anti-corruption, public administration reform, etc.)
  • In Montenegro, UNDP provided significant support in the implementation of the first Action Plan (it launched initiatives in line with the government’s commitments in OGP). The operational task force of OGP Montenegro is being restructured, and UNDP will explore with the country’s new OGP team how to align efforts with core UNDP support provided under the democratic governance portfolio
  • In the Slovak Republic, UNDP is supporting representation to the regional meeting in Europe, and is convening a session during the meeting focused on challenges of and perspectives on the open data agenda in Eastern Europe.

Cohort 4

  • In Mongolia, UNDP is in discussion with government on the development of the Action Plan, and on establishing meaningful engagement with civil society in this process and in OGP overall
  • In Sierra Leone, UNDP is supporting the consultation process through a micro grant and is exploring other support possible
  • In Tanzania, UNDP is supporting the implementation of commitments via programmes and projects. Continuing support will focus among others on: skills development and institutional capacity of the three national parliamentary watchdog committees, operation of the Aid Management Platform, sector dialogues , establishment of the Zanzibar anti-corruption agency, public hearings on key policy and legislative issues, CSO engagement in anti-corruption efforts, strengthening public communication and engagement of the President’s Office
  • In Tunisia, UNDP is engaging with both the government and the civil society and exploring areas that UNDP can support, especially when it comes to multi-stakeholder dialogue and engagement

Cheers, Raúl

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