TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux
More on FOSS in Saudi Arabia
Read more: More on FOSS in Saudi ArabiaFollowing on a previous request from KSA, I received a follow-up question from the Project Manager in Riyadh. The question was: how to prepare structures to support OSS development industry in the Kingdom?” Here is what I sent back to the Kingdom.
Approaching the Omidyar Foundation
Read more: Approaching the Omidyar FoundationBuilding on the momentum generated by the Open Government Partnership, the Omidyar Foundation announce last last December the launching of a 45 milliom USD fund to “Make all Voices Count”. The idea is to provide people, citizens and stakeholders with innovative tools and methods to engage more effectively with governments, both local and national. In…
DGG and Youth: Another virtual platform for engagement
Read more: DGG and Youth: Another virtual platform for engagementIt seems that DGG, in addition to help draft UNDP’s corporate Youth Strategy, is also planning to launch a complementary virtual platform to give additional voice to the youth. As I understand it, the platform will essentially use multi-media channels to capture the voices of young people (under 25 years of age, in case you…
UNDP at The Guardian’s ACTIVATE 2013 meeting
Read more: UNDP at The Guardian’s ACTIVATE 2013 meetingUNDP Administrator will be participating in this annual meeting ( and we got a request for speaking points on governance and privacy. Below is what I submitted. Role of ICTs in building open and responsive institutions
UNITAR, Microsoft and UNDP
Read more: UNITAR, Microsoft and UNDPYesterday I met with a colleague from UNITAR who provided an update on the relation between them and Microsoft. UNITAR and MS signed a collaoration agreement in 2007/8 and are now planning to expand their joint work supporting Microsoft’s own 4Afrika initiative ( UNITAR has already explored the possibility of working with UNDP in a…
South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Read more: South-South and Triangular CooperationBDP has recently appointed a focal point for the above who is part of the Poverty Group. We have had a couple of meetings with the team working on SSTC including one with the UNDP Bangladesh advisor for the Access to Information Programme. While the relationship between this group and the UN South-South unit which…
E-governance in Libya
Read more: E-governance in LibyaI have been in contact with the UNDP office in Tripoli discussing ways to support the completion of e-gov strategy and subsequent implementation. The effort is lead by the Ministry of Telecommunications who in turn has already hired PWCs to assist with the completion of the exercise. An initial presentation from the Ministry has bee…
E-gov in Ukraine
Read more: E-gov in UkraineA result from the mission I did to Ukraine last year was an agreement with the CO to support with a small grant activities related to Open Government and the Ukraine National Action Plan. The CO continued the engagement they had with the National E-governance Center and developed this proposal which calls for the creation…
Kyrgyzstan E-gov Meeting: UNDP draft speech
Read more: Kyrgyzstan E-gov Meeting: UNDP draft speechI was supposed to travel to Bishkek to attend an ICTD/e-governance meeting on 5 June which included the participation of the Primer Minister but was unable to travel thanks to my foot injury (the latest agenda of the meeting is here: Agenda e-leadership). Instead, the CO asked to prepare a draft speech to be delivered…
10 Steps to ensure successful ICTD/e-governance implementation in developing countries
Read more: 10 Steps to ensure successful ICTD/e-governance implementation in developing countriesSince the dawn of the new Millennium we have seen rapid changes in the ICT environment where mobiles and mobility are clear trend setters. The same can be said about the use and deployment of ICTs in the public sector. We started with e-government and then moved to e-governance a few year later -we can…
CoP Outcomes and Future of ICT4G Work
Read more: CoP Outcomes and Future of ICT4G WorkBelow is a communication I sent to BDP Senior Management on the above. In lieu of the changes that are heading our way in the near future, I thought I should share with you an early report on the outcomes for the recent Istanbul CoP on ICTs, Inclusive Governance and Conflict Prevention. First of all,…
CoP 2013: Innovation Session Inputs
Read more: CoP 2013: Innovation Session Inputs1. It is important to get one of the international experts to speak about open and bottom-up innovation. One of them has a draft paper on this which I have shared with the e-gov team in Istanbul. This will hopefully balance a bit the”NESTA” approach and which in my view does not take into account…
Innovation and Governance, and Innovations in Governance
Read more: Innovation and Governance, and Innovations in GovernanceThe idea of innovation, which is certainly not new to development practitioners, is again picking up steam. In fact, it has become a buzzword that is permeating many discussions and conversations on development and beyond. The Arab Spring and the many other new social movements in both the developed and developing countries have brought back…
The Promise of Open Data: the case of Brazil
Read more: The Promise of Open Data: the case of BrazilOpen data has been growing by leaps and bounds all around the globe – which is indeed welcome. However, we should not forget that Open Data is sort of the “second wave” of the Freedom of information movement that rapidly started to expand in the 1990s. Nowadays, over 100 countries have legislation opening public information…
Cloud Computing in Saudi Arabia
Read more: Cloud Computing in Saudi ArabiaIt seems the Saudi’s are pretty active when it comes to ICTs. We have already provided inputs and support to the upcoming Global Crowdsourcing Fund ( and the more recent draft national FOSS policy ( Now we have an interesting proposal for creation a national cloud system. The proposal is here: Saudi Cloud Computing Project.…