Methodological note on IRRF indicator 7.6.1, Innovative Partnerships

As mentioned in a previous post, I am working in the development of a couple of the new UNDP IRRF indicators. Indicator 7.6.1 addresses innovative public-private partnerships but seems to put the emphasis on the mechanisms that UNDP country offices can use to forge such partnerships.

I had an early meeting with a KICG colleague who is the co-owner of this indicator. We agreed that the emphasis of the original indicator – which BTW we did not draft – misses the main point. After all, mechanisms refer to the process and instruments that COs have at hand to create and launch partnerships (MoUs, LoIs, etc.). But the key issue is results and are related to: 1) New multi-stakeholder partnerships between the public and private sector (both for profit and non-profit); and 2) joint design, development and implementation of innovative solutions that effectively address development gaps and priorities.

On the first point, it is essential to notice that PPPs must stop being supply driven. Instead, multi-stakeholder PPPs must also include stakeholders and others who can contribute to define, design and implement solutions that address concrete needs on the ground.

KICG took the lead in producing the first draft which I received yesterday. Here is what I sent back earlier today.

Cheers, Raúl


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