Meeting with Microsoft

The new Microsoft Technology Officer (MSTO), based in DC and assigned to International Organizations, has been contacting me since November last year. We finally met on Tuesday 15 January when he was in town also meeting other organizations, UNWomen included.

Here is what we agree to do:

1. Extend or renew the current MoU between the two entities so we can disburse the 60k remaining in the original project. I have share the original MoU with MSTO for revisions and amendments.

2. Share the final report of the independent evaluation report on the ICT e-skills building programme that we completed back in 2008.

3. Explore new ideas to make use of the remaining funds with the possibility of getting additional resources to support. I agree to provide a couple of paragraphs to MSTO for discussion. MTSO has been in contact with UNU and UNWomen and also has some ideas about future initiatives.

Cheers, Raúl