e-gov Team AWP Update

Here are the updates I got from the team on the above. Our final AWP is here: egov-team-awp-2012-final-02-25


Open Governance;

  • OPG oversight and summary refined and finished (on the Wiki).

E-governance guidance note:

  • Mapping of other UN agencies working on e-gov. and ICT4D done
  • Guidance on working with other agencies almost finished


  • Application edited to fit into the format and characters.
  • Application successfully sent off at last (finally!!), after sorting out all the technical issues with Anita related to the non-applicability of the project to the required information
  • Maintained contact with Kirstin and Karolina and checked on the VAT; Waiting for Kirstin’s guidance on how to proceed with the forms I sent her, in which a Tax ID is requested. She hasn’t confirmed yet that the form is now ok.

ROAR mapping 2011;

  • Stephanie is working on the data. Request for review sent to you, to double check everything is in order. When your review is ok, I can go forward with the classification.


Sent a spreadsheet which is here:  mnb work plan log (1-14 march)


Sent a telex, below:

  • ICTD TTF report (revised draft out)
  • research and reading on ICT and MDGs briefing note (creating a mind map on the issues that can be put in and how)
  • Support to Serge in the MDG 2015 platform (meeting with people involved with other networks and platforms in BDP, draft paper on the features list)
  • E-gov categorization and drill down (not a lot, progressing down the list)
  • Workshop for lessons learnt and validation of results of the elections programme (attended and participated)
  • Preliminary research and reading for the crowdsourcing paper (very little, getting some initial work done before starting work full throttle with Raul, Ruhiya and Steph in a week or so)


Sent another telex

  • Social networks – Outline/ToC completed. Strategizing on data needs. Research & reading.
  • egov Guidance Note – In process of completing lessons learned. Need to refine what is there, and find other reports from elsewhere to consolidate other lessons learned from other institutions. Not sure when to begin editing what’s been put up there by others?
  • Mobiles & innovation – strategizing and guiding SL on research needs and direction. Hope to begin writing something when nearing completion on ‘lessons learned’ for GN.


WSIS Concall

  • I had the weekly conference call for UNGIS, focused mainly of the statusof preparations for WSIS Forum 2012.

Inputs for HLCP

  • I drafted DGG’s input to the spring session of HLCP, highlighting the activities that have taken place in the context of UNGIS, notably preparations for the WSIS Forum 2012, UNGIS contribution to Rio+20,development of a Plan of Action for WSIS+10 Overall Review.

Post 2015 Web platform

  • Along with Nadia, I met or had conference calls, separately, with Olivier Pierre Louveaux (AGORA), Christopher Wilson (OGC) and AnnaBoelens (HuriTalk) regarding possible collaboration with them and theirrespective networks in the context of a virtual platform for Post-2015.Olivier and Anna expressed their readiness to cross-link content betweentheir networks and the envisaged platform. Christopher indicated thatOGC does not run similar network, however he acknowledged the importanceof collaborating on a substantive level in the context of governanceassessments. Olivier indicated that Post-2015 would be on the agenda ofthe Board of Agora later in the month.
  • In preparation of a meeting convened by UN Millennium Campaign onoutreach for Post-2015, Nadia and I updated the concept note on Post-2015 web presence, expanding on the possible features of theplatform. Along with Jose Dallo, I attended the meeting at Millennium Campaign, which was a good discussion on key issues such as ownership,management and oversight of the platform, involvement of externalpartners, establishment of a core group. It was acknowledged that BDPhad already started some work and should be provided the space to continue.

Video platform on political participation

  • I was invited by Miguel and Ruth to meet and discuss a platform for videos on political participation. The platform would be used to showcase how DGG’s work impacts people’s lives. Starting initially withour cluster, it would progressively be expanded to other DGG clusters. The platform would be hosted on the E-governance and Access to Information portal. Ruth and Miguel expected us (me) to take the lead in developing the project.

Website – Update template

  • At the request of Gillian Chalmers, I have updated the layout of the portal to be more in line with the template of the main UNDP portal. Our main menu now appears in the left column, and the links to UNDP practices appear at the top.


Sent HTML table  which I have to convert to spreadsheet to share. It is here: SL-AWP-update-2012-03-15

Cheers, Raúl