ABA/ILRC Meeting



One of the goals of today’s meeting was to expand the services provided by the ILRC to other practices in addition to governance.

Intro by ILRC
a) by now they what works and what deesn’t; b)it is a global network of lawyers with local language support; not all Americans and are sensitive to cutural diversity, etc.; c) dedicated focal point to manage requests; d) new service: commentary type of services such as review papers and similar

Presentation by ILRC
a) 50 reqs for assistance so far this year, increasing from previous 2 years;b) close to 50 countries served; c) variety of services (see matrix distributed at meeting; d) now doing national assessments, Vietnam and Mongolia; e) some reqs are delayed to undp process and nat. govs not decidinmg quickly etc. f) there are also some failures, ie experts r not seleted; g) overall, 4 weeks turn around time, and 2 weeks to identify experts

ICT points
a) support for telco regulation and legisgation inlcuding spectrum mamangement; b) support for e-commerce, e-business and e-governemnt processes; c) IP and OS support also linked to content ownership and public domain goods; d) need to think across practices to work better within UNDP and in support of CO requests; consider joint missions along these lines.

Posible follow-up: a)get ILRC reqs manager on the ICT SURF list; b) explore potential use of ILRC resources in MZ
