Month: July 2013

  • UNDP Joins OGP

    Since its formal launching on September 2011 here in New York, we have been following very closely the activities of the partnership. In addition, several UNDP Country Offices have in fact engaged with national OGP activities and support the implementation of  national Open Government Action Plans. Included here are, among others, Montenegro and Ukraine. A…

  • E-gov and Local gov – Towards local e-gov?

    Last week we meet with the DGG LG advisor to discuss ways in which we could work together. The NTF of the meeting is here. The new focus of UNDP’s approach to local governance will be urban environments but not just large cities. With resilience in mind, the idea is to target fast growing cities…

  • Proposal on ICTs and participation

    I received an informal request from UNDP’s post-2015 team to submit a short proposal on ICTs and governance. While it is not yet clear what kind of activities the post-2015 UNDG project will be funding,  one of the ideas that have been floating around is to support concrete on the ground projects  -but hopefully not…

  • Social Good Summit and Telefónica

    Last week we had a follow-up meeting with Telefónica. We are basically working on three distinct tracks while trying to build a partnership with the company. They are: 1. Global events; 2. MyWorld support in LAC where input to the survey  has been very limited; and 3. Building a regional programme where Telefónica can contribute…

  • Inputs for GFM Report

    A week on Monday we were asked by the Director of the Practice to prepare a short and sharp text on the work we do so she can make a push for it before her departure. Here is what we prepared with inputs from the egov team. Cheers, Raúl

  • Kenya ICTD Project: Initial comments

    UNDP Kenya is launching  a new project called Digital Information Centres for Innovation and Development. The prodoc is here. Here are the comments we shared back with the CO, with inputs for egov team members.

  • More on FOSS in Saudi Arabia

    Following on a previous request from KSA, I received a follow-up question from the Project Manager in Riyadh. The question was: how to prepare structures to support OSS development industry in the Kingdom?” Here is what I sent back to the Kingdom.

  • Approaching the Omidyar Foundation

    Building on the momentum generated by the Open Government Partnership, the Omidyar Foundation announce last last December the launching of a 45 milliom USD fund to “Make all Voices Count”.  The idea is to provide people, citizens and stakeholders with innovative tools and methods to engage more effectively with governments, both local and national. In…

  • DGG and Youth: Another virtual platform for engagement

    It seems that DGG, in addition to help draft UNDP’s corporate Youth Strategy, is also planning to launch a complementary virtual platform to give additional voice to the youth. As I understand it, the platform will essentially use multi-media channels to capture the voices of young people (under 25 years of age, in case you…