Weekly Update: 8 July

I was on leave most of the week although I was checking email all the time. If I don’t then I will spend a lot of time just catching up on reviewing and replying to accumulated emails.

Here are some small bits: the Bangladesh evaluation mission is on.The CO wants to start the consultancy before the end of the month. Brazil has apparently drop the ball on the IPS project. Our only hope is that Argentina picks up the pieces. Not too many people have confirmed participation in the upcoming AfegA meeting in Accra at the end of the month. South Africa ha s confirmed the dates for the upcoming e-skills meeting as well as forwarded invitation to participate. IGF in Kenya is piking up steam.  GFM has been invited to a panel as we might be joining another one on Internet and Development.  mMDGs alpha is now completed. We are just awaiting for the vendor to release the source code.

Cheers, Raúl