Weekly Update: 27 April

The regional IPS (International Public Software) project is still in a limbo as the government of Argentina has been slow in engaging with UNDP Argentina. I had a call with  the representative from the Argentinean government to discuss next steps. It is imperative that the government counterpart meets with the UNDP governance focal point to ultimate details and fully agree on a way forward.  The plan for now is to make SPI part of a larger and new programme that UNDP is negotiating with the Chef of Cabinet of the Presidency.

Had a good call with UNDP Iraq. We now want to “export” the Iraqi e-gov experience outside the region. So here is what we do: 1. Support ongoing CIO process in Bahrain (see my mission report for additional info); 2) support the proposed work that is coming up in Libya (target end of  June); 3. Prepare a series of case studies and short knowledge products on Iraq. I have shared our methodology for assessments and case studies report; 4. Try to organize a regional CoP in collaboration with RSC Cairo; 5. Have UNDP Iraq as part of the planned e-gov CoP in November which we will be doing in collaboration with BCPR. In addition, UNDP Iraq wants advise on countries to visit to send a “study tour” delegation (including the Minister of S&T). I suggested  Bahrain, Estonia and South Africa.

Met with the Director of the Seoul’s Policy Center. Our original plans had changed to changes in MoPAS and changes in the initial partners. A proposal has been submitted to MoPAS for funding but the initial partners aslo submitted their own proposals. These are now being merged. At any rate, UNDP will meet with MoPAS Monday to check on status and see how can we move forward. MoPAS is organizing a large e-gov event in November and we will try to secure a whole session in partnership with UNPOG in Korea. We will also commission a few case studies on e-gov HOW-TO,  targeting Brazil, South Africa, India, Estonia and  UAE (or Bahrain), in addition to South Korea.

Motorola came to visit on Wednesday  to ultimate details on the agreements and next steps. We have secured USD 200,ooo for this year from both Motorola Foundation and Motorola Solutions (for profit). So we need two sign two separate agreements.  Having done this many times before, I do not see us getting the resources before early June. We will see. At eh meeting, Motorola show us not only a sample of their latest gadgets but also the way in which they support and develop applications and solutions.They have  teams of experts in different areas, ranging from technology to PR people. They also produce with papers, case studies and business cases which the publish in their own web site. This can be a model we could use for the web site for the partnership, focused on developing countries.

Cheers, Raúl