Weekly Update: 24 June

The mMDGs saga seems to be finally coming to and end. The programmer that the company we recruited appointed for follow-up is indeed very good and responsive. The final beta version is now ready as is the capability of uploading new data into the app without having to touch the source code. I still need to finalize the web site (mmdgs.org) to officially launch the app. This is certainly not the end of the line but we are running 9 months late. We still need to port the app to IPhone and Blackberry and get more data.

On the latter, we met with a colleague at the communications office who  told about about yet another saga on MDG data. About three years ago UNDP decided to push on this front by launching a comprehensive effort in getting the latest and most accurate data on the MDGs and display them on a user friendly basis on a web site. We now that the MDG data, at least the one that the UN officially endorses is not very good and have quite a few spots. Once the team working on this “discovered” the started to promote the use of third party data (academics, research institutions, etc.) but they run unto strong corporate opposition  which in the end prevented this from happening. In similar fashion, the team also suggested to look more closely at local data which can be obtained from researchers, etc.  but this again raised the issue of  what is and what is not UN official data. Being that as it may, UNDP went as far as buying a software that can be used to display data easily, etc. The software is still around but no one seems to be using it.

Finished a concept note the the tentative e-governance workshop in the Caribbean which we are trying to implement in partnership with RBLAC. Seems that the DG TTF funding for RBLAC that was approved earlier this year for the Caribbean countries is still up in the air as counties in the sub-region have specific demands for such funds, demands that do not quite match the objectives set out in the approved ProDoc.

Mission to Moldova has been moved to Septemerb while the IPS meeting in Buenos Aires has been reschedule for 18 August (this year!).

Cheers, Raúl