Weekly Update: 21 January

Lengthy conference call with Brazilian counterparts on the Public Software regional programme. We have agreed to focus 2011 efforts in producing a report on the project that can be shared with and used by other developing countries that are looking to implement similar initiatives. The report will be published in 3 languages and distributed across UNDP COs and partner governments.

Meeting with Italian counterparts at the Mission to the UN with the purpose of stop support for the now never-ending e-accounting programme in Macedonia. Italy did not expect this as was surprised to hear the amount of the unspent balance -after 6 years of project implementation. Still unsure what Italy will decide to do with these funds.

I learned from the ARR in Kyrgyzstan that the proposal the CO submitted for DG TTF funding was not approved. The CO was convinced that DGG is at fault, until I explain to them how the process works. I also suggested they check the inputs DGG advisors have provided on the proposal. At any rate, the CO along with the government are putting on the table an e-gov proposal focus on interoperability and e-service delivery at the local level. Azerbaijan has offered to fund part of this but need a mechanism to disburse the funding. I suggested they consider using one of our TTFs.

I learned early in the week that “it has been decided” that the BDP networks are to be migrated to Teamworks by 1 March. As I thought this deadline was a bit unrealistic, I sent a message to the TWs management team, copying a few key people. We will see if something changes.

DGG has received a request from the Tunisia CO for DG assistance. The situation is still very fluid in the country -just this morning I was reading that the people are demanding that the current government steps down. We are also aware that the CO is weak when it comes to DG advise so there is a potential niche here. The issues is timing. In any event, the role that the new technologies have played in the so-called Jasmine revolution is clear -and in spite of the heavy control the government had over the Internet.