Weekly Update: 15 July



This week was essentially focused on the upcoming BDP agenda for change and the follow-up to the GMM. I posted some of my inputs earlier in the week in this space. Overall,  BDP seems to be taking a low profile approach to the change process being push by top managers. If anything, BDP should prepare at least two alternative  proposals for the way it should work in the future. Some of the parameters for such proposals have been set by the Agenda for Change documents the Administrator has shared with all of UNDP. BDP probably needs to make some hard decisions if it really wants the development policy area to be it core area of business.

The AfegA board meeting which will take place the week of 25 July seems to be moving ahead at full speed. Most of the founding members will be attending as well as some new partners that the project manager in Accra has identified.

Interviews of the new e-governance policy analyst were completed. I am expecting to have the new staff member on board by the end of August.

Cheers, Raúl