Private Sector RM Strategy

Yesterday, Sarah and I met with Casper Sonneson from BRSP to discuss the above.

BRSP has some resources and consultants that can work full time on this. They are planning to do a pilot on two practice ares, ICTD and Energy. The consultants are former McKinsey staff that left the company to create their own outfit. Part of the staff is currently engaged in the ERP/PeopleSoft deployment at UNDP in OIST and related.

The idea is to have, in the end, better materials, products and services that can be presented in a strategic fashion to potential private sector partners. The target here is not only multi-nationals but also local developing country companies as well as developing country companies that can operate internationally (S2S cooperation), etc.. This is actually mentioned in the draft concept paper.

Next steps include a meeting later this week with the consultants and discuss TORs and the draft concept note. In terms of process, we agreed in principle to 1) have an internal discussion (including RBx and COs and collecting comments and experiences thru the networks, etc); 2) invite a few private sector sector people to present the on going work and get feedback; and c) release the strategy and materials for public use and consumption.


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