TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux
BTOB: ICANN's Public Responsibility Panel
Read more: BTOB: ICANN's Public Responsibility PanelBackground Created in 1998, the Internet Corporation for the Assignment of Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a US non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California that is in charge of managing the allocation of Internet domain names and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses on a global scale. Although at first sight its core functions can be…
Think Piece on the relevance of ICTs in the SDGs – Issues Paper
Read more: Think Piece on the relevance of ICTs in the SDGs – Issues PaperITU has been providing support to the UN’s OWG while promoting at the same time the importance of ICTs in the post-2015 agenda. This process has been going on for a few months and apparently discussions on the subject have taken place at several fora. I was however not aware of this. So I was…
UAE, National ID Systems and UNDP
Read more: UAE, National ID Systems and UNDPFor the last few years, UAE has developed comprehensive policies and programmes to establish a National ID system. Institutionally, the country created in 2004 the Emirates ID Authority which has been leading efforts at the national level. In a country with less than 6 million people and average GDP/capita of close to 30,000 USD the…
Data "Revolution": Harnessing Data in MAF Reports
Read more: Data "Revolution": Harnessing Data in MAF ReportsContext Access to both new technology platforms, such as social networks and mobile technologies, and faster networks has enabled millions if not billions to share information on a global scale. The fact that most of these new platforms are private and operate in quasi oligopolistic fashion, has facilitated the concentration of data in a few…
e-administration and Business Process Re-engineering
Read more: e-administration and Business Process Re-engineeringLast Friday, UNDP Delhi sent me a message indicating that the RC will be participating in the 17th National e-governance meeting in Kochi, Kerala (see I also recieved a copy of the draft agenda and was informed that the RC will be speaking about e-governance and business process re-engineering -and not on e-participation which…
UNDESA/DPADM: e-participation and METEP
Read more: UNDESA/DPADM: e-participation and METEPFor the last few months, the Development Management Branch (DMB) of UNDESA’s Division of Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM, see here for organogram of DPADM) has been working in developing a e-participation methodology for use by UN member states to assess the level of people’s engagement with the public sector .
International Public Software (SPI) Revival -> SPI 2.0?
Read more: International Public Software (SPI) Revival -> SPI 2.0?After a an apparently very quiet 2013, interest in SPI seems to be making a big comeback. Most of the people that were involved in SPI 1.0 have moved on, including the staff at Brazil’s Ministry of Planning (MP). New staff, under the supervision of a former director who has rejoined the Ministry, have picked…
Best Films – 2013
Read more: Best Films – 2013My film viewing trend continued to decline this year, now down to 158. This is just a fall of close to 7% which is probably not very significant. But this year I faced some health issues which prevented me from actually going to film theaters. In early March I broke a tiny bone in my…
Digital Engagement Framework Advisory Board, WB
Read more: Digital Engagement Framework Advisory Board, WBThe first meeting of the Advisory Board for the WB’s Digital Engagement Framework took place yesterday morning. Participants included WB staff from various sectors as well as external partners (and remote participants) such as UNDP, OECD and the EU among others. We have been supporting this work for the last 10 months or so (see…
Perception, Sampling and Crowdsourcing
Read more: Perception, Sampling and CrowdsourcingIn Kurosawa’s 1950 film classic Rashomon, four people share with us gripping details about a murder and alleged rape that had taken place 3 days earlier on the road in the middle of a deserted forest. Three of them were part of the actual event (including the murdered Samurai who, thanks to a medium, manages…
Quick thoughts on ICTs and Corruption
Read more: Quick thoughts on ICTs and CorruptionGot a request from DGG Directorate to furnish last minute inputs on the above for an anti-corruption meeting in Panama this week. This is what I sent. Needs editing and further thought. Potential of new ICT and networking technologies (latter are important) Streamline cumbersome government processes Increase the efficiency of the public sector Create new…
Some thoughts on Cyberspace and Cybersecurity
Read more: Some thoughts on Cyberspace and CybersecurityLast month, UNDP took part in the Seoul Cyberspace conference and we provided the inputs to BDP (see for its engagement on a panel on capacity building. The Seoul gathering produced a framework as well as a series of recommendations and programmes that will support cyberspace, particularly in least develop countries. At the same…
ICTs and Local Governance in Colombia
Read more: ICTs and Local Governance in ColombiaUNDP Colombia is keen in beefing up its support to e-governance in the country by focusing on local governments – as the office has an important portfolio of projects that support local communities (see for example At the same time, the country has a rather large and well-known Digital Government (Gobierno en Línea) initiative…
Methodological note on IRRF indicator 7.6.1, Innovative Partnerships
Read more: Methodological note on IRRF indicator 7.6.1, Innovative PartnershipsAs mentioned in a previous post, I am working in the development of a couple of the new UNDP IRRF indicators. Indicator 7.6.1 addresses innovative public-private partnerships but seems to put the emphasis on the mechanisms that UNDP country offices can use to forge such partnerships. I had an early meeting with a KICG colleague who…
Local Governance and ICTs
Read more: Local Governance and ICTsEarlier today we had a good meeting with the LG DGG team to discuss possible synergies. LG is organizing, in partnership with the Brazilian government, a large event in Foz de Iguazu where at least 20 UNDP COs will be represented. LG is keen in pushing ICTs and innovation from the start to capitalize on…