Weekly Update: 13 May

Due to health reasons I had to cancel the missions to Turkey (this week) and Bahrain and Moldova (next week). I was also not able to come to the office at all during the week. So there is not much to report.

I got a request from the Belize country office to provide policy support on the current draft of the national ICT strategy. The Ministry of Public, Governance Improvements, Elections & Boundaries and Sports is leading this, perhaps a bit surprisingly. The mandate of this Ministry seems to be quite broad so perhaps that is why they are taking the lead in the process.

The St. Kitts workshop has been confirmed for the week of 29 May. I am trying to enlist from eGA in Estonia and NISG in Hyderabad, India. We did a similar workshop in Erbil, Iraq last year.

The UNGIS/LDC event took place with apparently no more than 45 people in the room. But the feedback from the various partners was excellent. Apparently, th representative from Bangladesh who came at our request was pretty good and lively.

Cheers, Raúl