Update on post-2015 management

Comments sent to BDP SMs on the above.

In a nutshell, the (daily) management of the process has been determined by the Teamworks development cycle which we have been informed by Mitchel and his team is of three/four weeks. That means that any work that we in TAG agree to put on the platform will only be effectively available after 3/4 weeks on
the virtual platform.

With the TAG meeting on a weekly basis (this we manage directly, we=DGG/egov), we secure that features, design and content (for now) are prepared and
agreed by TAG members which also include a couple of members of CSOs (representation of CSOs being one of the issues in TAG). The TAG also reviews work
done by the TWs technical team that Mitchell has designated for this task.

As TWs has it own development and production model, we do not and cannot manage that component. But I am sure the TWs team has its own internal workplan as the team has been delivering in most if not all of the requests received from TAG.

So far we have had three releases of the platform; and this has been the modus operandi which seems to be working fine. We are now engaging on discussion
related to a forth release and probably an official launch of the platform.

As you can see, our role is thus more a coordinating one trying to make sure supply (TWs) and demand (stakeholders) have a common space (TAG) to exchange
views and agree on a way forward. For example, after every TAG meeting we prepare action points which are share back with the groups for comments. We have
also set up a dedicated email list (2015tag@undpegov.org) which we have effectively used to communicate will all TAG members and share information on the
overall post2015 process.

We also have technical expertise in the team (Serge and myself) and we participate in the weekly meetings that the TWs technical team has to discuss
technical issues. Nevertheless, technical decisions on the platform are make by the TWs team.

Finally, we are indeed managing the financial component of this output of the post2015 UNDP/UNDG project. This includes preparing ToRs, handling
procurement, recruiting people, running RFPs, etc. I have shared with you the detailed budget so you now have an idea of the tasks involved here.

Cheers, Raúl