South-South and Triangular Cooperation

BDP has recently appointed a focal point for the above who is part of the Poverty Group. We have had a couple of meetings with the team working on SSTC including one with the UNDP Bangladesh advisor for the Access to Information Programme.

While the relationship between this group and the UN South-South unit which is hosted by UNDP is not entirely clear to me, one of the targets of the former is to launch (yet another) a Web platform to foster knowledge exchange. The focal point shared with me the initial concept note which I proceed to edit. The version I sent back is here: SSC-BDP-platform-concept-note-2013-06-21

I recommended two critical changes: 1) Move away form a knowledge web platform and instead promote a social networking site where communities are in charge with UNDP facilitating; and 2) focus much more on the HOW (or know-how) and the WHO (capacity development) than on the tradition why and what questions for SSTC.

I also offer to host the new platform.

SSTC is on fund raising mode and ICTD is one of the areas they are planning to focus on.

Cheers, Raúl

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