TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux

  • Weekly Update: 20 May

    Being out of the office sick all week considerably reduced my activity. Emails however did not stop coming so they required a daily (and large) dose of attention. The mMDGs saga continues as the developer is still dragging his feet. We are almost there (although we are about 8 months late!) but the last mile…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 20 May
  • Comments on Inclusive Growth Paper

    PG has prepared a paper on this topic for discussion within BDP’s Policy Group. The paper is here: Inclusive Growth Strategy Paper sj 8 March 2011 (2). Oslo in turn commissioned a it review which is here: GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report_Inclusive growth and governance. I submitted the following comments as part of DGG inputs. 1.…

    Read more: Comments on Inclusive Growth Paper
  • Belize ICT Strategy: Inputs Provided

    Belize is working on the above and the CO contacted me for advise. All related documents are here: Belize Docs. These are my inputs. 1. I am impressed by the quality of the research that has been done in  terms of e-readiness and ICT benchmarking. This is really a good professional job and will certainly…

    Read more: Belize ICT Strategy: Inputs Provided
  • Weekly Update: 13 May

    Due to health reasons I had to cancel the missions to Turkey (this week) and Bahrain and Moldova (next week). I was also not able to come to the office at all during the week. So there is not much to report. I got a request from the Belize country office to provide policy support…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 13 May
  • Draft Speech at UNGIS event in LDC IV, Istanbul

    August this year will mark the 20th anniversary of the official launching of the World Wide Web, less than a year after the 2nd LDC conference held in Paris in 1990. Back then, 47 countries in the globe were classified as LDCs and, not surprisingly, none of them were connected to the Internet. It was…

    Read more: Draft Speech at UNGIS event in LDC IV, Istanbul
  • Weekly update: 6 May

    I spent most of this week on mission attending the 2nd International Free/Open Source Software workshop sponsored by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (and UNDP Riyadh). Most of these conferences, specially those that have really techie names sch as this one, attract very few women. So I was expecting a 10 to…

    Read more: Weekly update: 6 May
  • Weekly Update: 29 April

    I have been out sick most of the week so there is not much to report. I has a longish conference call with one of then members of the GKP ExComm who brought me up to speed on the messy details that are currently going on inside the board. They certainly need some new and…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 29 April
  • UN Gender and Democracy meeting: Inputs

    The still unfolding events in the Middle East have shown once again the relevance of Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) and the role they can play in critical junctures such as this one. ICTs have also empowered  women and provided them with louder voices in  such junctures. Indeed, they can now be real participants in…

    Read more: UN Gender and Democracy meeting: Inputs
  • Comments on the Role of the State

    DGG Dir prepared draft ToRs for the proposed work on the role of the State. Unfortunately, the draft completely ignored the work we have done in this regard. With this in mind, I submitted the following comments. 1. The TORs are still too broad and seem to miss one key point: what is the role…

    Read more: Comments on the Role of the State
  • Weekly Update: 22 April

    Another short week but this time due to an official holiday. I met with the RBA focal point for the Millennium Villages (MVs) which UNDP has been supporting, in partnership with the Earth Institute ,for the last 5 years or so. RBA contact me due to our involvement in the e-health working group of the…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 22 April
  • Is Facebook the new Super Power?

    Last week I read this  article, Facebook is the New Superpower, which no doubt builds on the current hype we are seeing in the Western Media on Social Networks. The article makes the extraordinary claim that Facebook is just like any other sovereign state, with the big difference that is it a global state, or…

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  • Is Facebook the new Superpower?

    Last week I read this  article, <a title=”Facebook is the New Supepower” href=”″ target=”_blank”>Facebook is the New Superpower</a>, which no doubt builds on the current hype we are seeing in the Western Media on Social Networks. The  article makes the extraordinary claim that Facebook is just like any  other sovereign state, with the big difference…

    Read more: Is Facebook the new Superpower?
  • Weekly Update: 15 April

    It was a short week for me as I had some minor but painful health issues. I was in the office only two days although I was checking email most of the time. We finally got an official reply from Italy regarding the unused funds from the Macedonia e-accounting project. The official communication, send by…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 15 April
  • Weekly Update: 8 April

    I spent most of the week on mission, attending an international seminar on Technology and Citizen Participation, co-organized by UNDP México and the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of the State of Jalisco in México. I have already shared my back to office report will all concerned parties. As mentioned in the latter, I met…

    Read more: Weekly Update: 8 April
  • UNDP chairing UNGIS?

    For the last month or so, we have been discussing this issue with the UNGIS co-chairs. I even had a private call with the current UNESCO chair and asked for more details. After careful analysis our idea was to once to pass on this offer (as we did back in 2007/08). While on mission I…

    Read more: UNDP chairing UNGIS?