TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux
e-GAP: Comments on latest draft paper
Read more: e-GAP: Comments on latest draft paperA few days ago we received the latest draft of the e-GAP paper a few days ago. Let us be more precise here: the paper is on Open Government and Participation and the role that GAP and ICTs can play in the process. Here are the comments I shared with the team and that were…
ICTs and Participation: Update on research in partnership with WB
Read more: ICTs and Participation: Update on research in partnership with WBWe organized a one day brainstorming meeting with the consultant working on the hype and reality of ICTs in participation, Alexander Treschel (see for a short bio). Tiago Peixoto from WBI also joined us from DC. We received the first draft of the paper 30 minutes before the start of the meeting which did not…
Gender Report, Broadband Commission Working Group
Read more: Gender Report, Broadband Commission Working GroupAfter spending almost two weekends and more on the report, we finally got it shape. Certainly, trying to put together inputs from different sectors and actors is quite challenging. It is however possible but it requires plenty of work. After sharing my additions and edits, the BBComm Secretariat asked about our specific contributions to the…
Data Revolution, Open Data and Public Sector Information
Read more: Data Revolution, Open Data and Public Sector InformationI have been planning on writing a short blog on the HLP report and the role of ICTs in the post-2015 agenda. As I see it, the report has missed a big opportunity here (as the old MDGs did!) by focusing only in one aspect of the potential of the new technologies in enhancing human…
Broadband Commission Gender Working Group (BBGWG) Report
Read more: Broadband Commission Gender Working Group (BBGWG) ReportInitial plans for our work to support BBGWG (see changed dramatically as the private donor who had publicly committed to support the WG pulled the funding. As a result, we had to rapidly craft a plan B which was coordinated by the ITU’s Broadband Commission Secretariat. ITU agreed to provide a coordinator for the drafting…
Moving forward on Swaziland’s e-governance
Read more: Moving forward on Swaziland’s e-governanceFollowing on our mission of last year, the CO was finally able to recruit an international consultant who was in the country for almost 5 weeks. The consultant produced a series of documents which incorporated many recommendations and areas of work. The CO provided detailed comments to the consultant -which were also shared with me,…
UNDP at OGP: Possible areas of work – DRAFT
Read more: UNDP at OGP: Possible areas of work – DRAFTBackground UNDP is the development network on the United Nations. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, UNDP offers both global perspectives and local insights to help empower lives and build resiliency in developing countries. The organization is also helping nations to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were set by the international…
ICTs and Social Protest Research
Read more: ICTs and Social Protest ResearchOGC is starting research on the above is partnership wit the German Development Institute (GDI, A researcher from GDI has already completed a paper on the Tunisian revolution (see and thus has inside expertise on the topic. OGC has drafted a concept note (OGC-Concept Note_Social Media & Social Protest and has already met…
ICTs and Governance: Hype vs Reality Research
Read more: ICTs and Governance: Hype vs Reality ResearchFor the last few months I have been in touch with the ICT4Gov project of WBI Open Government team exploring ways to work together and build a stronger ground for the real potential and impact of ICTs in governance. More specifically, the idea is to explore in detail how ICTs actually enhance citizen/stakeholder participation in…
Read more: UNDP Joins OGPSince its formal launching on September 2011 here in New York, we have been following very closely the activities of the partnership. In addition, several UNDP Country Offices have in fact engaged with national OGP activities and support the implementation of national Open Government Action Plans. Included here are, among others, Montenegro and Ukraine. A…
E-gov and Local gov – Towards local e-gov?
Read more: E-gov and Local gov – Towards local e-gov?Last week we meet with the DGG LG advisor to discuss ways in which we could work together. The NTF of the meeting is here. The new focus of UNDP’s approach to local governance will be urban environments but not just large cities. With resilience in mind, the idea is to target fast growing cities…
Proposal on ICTs and participation
Read more: Proposal on ICTs and participationI received an informal request from UNDP’s post-2015 team to submit a short proposal on ICTs and governance. While it is not yet clear what kind of activities the post-2015 UNDG project will be funding, one of the ideas that have been floating around is to support concrete on the ground projects -but hopefully not…
Social Good Summit and Telefónica
Read more: Social Good Summit and TelefónicaLast week we had a follow-up meeting with Telefónica. We are basically working on three distinct tracks while trying to build a partnership with the company. They are: 1. Global events; 2. MyWorld support in LAC where input to the survey has been very limited; and 3. Building a regional programme where Telefónica can contribute…
Inputs for GFM Report
Read more: Inputs for GFM ReportA week on Monday we were asked by the Director of the Practice to prepare a short and sharp text on the work we do so she can make a push for it before her departure. Here is what we prepared with inputs from the egov team. Cheers, Raúl
Kenya ICTD Project: Initial comments
Read more: Kenya ICTD Project: Initial commentsUNDP Kenya is launching a new project called Digital Information Centres for Innovation and Development. The prodoc is here. Here are the comments we shared back with the CO, with inputs for egov team members.