Draft outline for an e-governance training course

Here are some more ideas about the overall content.

1. Overview of e-governance. Definitions. Government vs. governance. Large    context of ICT for Development. Relevance of national contexts.    Insitutional development and national capacities.

2. Policy: assess the overall policy environment, relate to ongoing or  planned development plans and agendas, link to MDGs and other IAGDs, identify key players and expertise in the policy arena, influence national policy agenda setting. The idea is to introduce e-gov not as a totally new priority or theme but rather as a cross-cutting one Thai can help accelerate other development priorities

3. e-gov strategy design and completion. This is pretty much process oriented. We need to stimulate a multi-stakeholder approach as well as guarantee full buy in across national and local governments. The institutional setting is critical here as an umbrella entity will be required to make sure policies and consensus building is feasible. Endresult: a national e-gov strategy with support from key player and stakeholders. A critical process here is the identification of e-gov priorities and sequencing for implementation

4. Implementation of strategy which has short, medium and long terms goals. Partnerships are essential here as were as a clear definition of the institutional mechanisms that will coordinate implementation. Role of the private sector in some area will be critical too. An implementation strategy needs to be crafted and organizations, institutions and entities identified for each of the priorities.

5. Assessment and measure of impact. Indicators need to be put in place in addition to regular M&E mechanisms. Annual reporting required and   institutional capacity to do this (assessments et. all) needs to be developed. In the end the annual of bi-annual assessments can be use to revisit the strategy and change course if needed. ICT is a rapidly evolving field and two years is a long time in the area.

Cheers, Raúl