Category: ICTD

  • Robotics and job creation: Is this time different?

    Robotics and job creation: Is this time different?

    Debates on the impact of automation on job creation are certainly not new. On the one side, we find those who argue that automation is the trigger for massive unemployment. On the other side are those who say automation can actually create more (and new) jobs. Historical evidence seems to show that both sides a…

  • Who are the Refugees?

    Who are the Refugees?

    A few weeks ago, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR,  published its latest report on the current status of people who have been displaced from their homes and lands.  Although I have not closely tracked down these reports in the past, my interest on the subject has been increasing over time…

  • The future of automation and the automation of the future

    Chaplin’s 1936 Modern Times, by now a classic of silent cinema, offers an inside glimpse of the automation of industrial production in the first part of the 20th Century. Our little tramp has somehow found a job in a factory, which is in the middle of an unspecified city, and spends his time doing the…

  • Towards a Political Economy of (Open) Data

    Towards a Political Economy of (Open) Data

    Apps and data Almost five years ago, while working together with former UN colleagues, we decided to create a mobile app that could show data on the progress towards  the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The key purpose of the project was to raise awareness of people in general on how the…

  • ICTs and Inequality: An Overview

    ICTs and Inequality: An Overview

    Not without reason, Inequality seems to have taken command of most development, socio-economic and even political discussions. The fact that a supposedly “technical” and long (and excellent too!) book such as Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century became a best-seller of sorts last year is a good indicator of the relevance of this topic in our…

  • Social Innovation and Governance: A Quick Glance

    Social Innovation and Governance: A Quick Glance

    The idea of innovation, certainly not new to development practitioners, is again picking up steam. In fact, it has become a buzzword that is now permeating many discussions and development conversations. The Arab Spring and other social movements in both developed and developing countries brought back to the forefront not just the catalytic importance of…

  • Women, empowerment and new technologies

    Women, empowerment and new technologies

    Yesterday, we celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) for the 108th time. The celebration first took place in 1908 in New York City. Back then, it was called the International Working Women’s Day (IWWD), first organized by the Socialist Party of the US. At some point, the additional W dropped, and the event became a celebration…

  • 10 steps to ensure successful ICTD/e-governance implementation

    10 steps to ensure successful ICTD/e-governance implementation

    Since the dawn of the new Millennium we have seen rapid changes in the ICT environment where mobiles and mobility are explicit trendsetters. The same can be said about the use and deployment of ICTs in the public sector. We started with e-government and then moved to e-governance a few years later -we can also…

  • Perception, Sampling and Crowdsourcing

    Perception, Sampling and Crowdsourcing

    In  Kurosawa’s 1950 film classic Rashomon, four people share with us gripping details about a murder and alleged rape that had taken place 3 days earlier on the road in the middle of a deserted forest. Three of them were part of the actual event (including the murdered Samurai who, thanks to a medium, manages…

  • Public Sector Information, Open Data and Data Revolution

    Public Sector Information, Open Data and Data Revolution

    For a while, I have been planning on writing about the post-2015 High-Level Panel (HLP) report and the role of ICTs in the new development agenda. As I see it, the report has missed an ample opportunity here (as the old MDGs did!) by focusing primarily on one aspect of the new technologies potential to…

  • ICTs and Sustainable Development: Tacking Stock

    ICTs and Sustainable Development: Tacking Stock

    Background The idea of SDNP ( emerged during preparations for the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit. The perception that many countries, especially poorer ones, lacked reliable information to make effective decisions and promote sustainable development issues was on the table. How could countries take responsibility and be accountable for implementing UNCED agreements in…

  • Weekly Update: 15 July

    This week was essentially focused on the upcoming BDP agenda for change and the follow-up to the GMM. I posted some of my inputs earlier in the week in this space. Overall,  BDP seems to be taking a low profile approach to the change process being push by top managers. If anything, BDP should prepare…

  • Free/Open Source Software and Public Sofware: Concept Note

    Objective The purpose of this concept note is to shed some light on the notion of Public Software (Software Publico, SP), based on the original model developed by the Brazilian Government (Software Público Brasileiro – SPB), and compare it with the broader concept of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The idea of SP has…

  • Latinux Magazine Interview

    “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are not an end in itself but rather a means to reach people and enhance their lives.” (Raúl Zambrano) Born in Colombia, Raul Zambrano is trained as an engineer, sociologist and economist. He currently works as ICT and e-governance policy advisor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) headquarters in…

  • ICTs and the Millennium Villages: A Research Proposal

    Background There is no question that the last 20 years have witnessed the explosive deployment and grow throughout the globe of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This growth has been usually identified with Internet access which, according to the latest statistics, has almost 1.6 billion users -or close to 24% of the world’s…