Category: ICTD

  • AI in the Public Sector – III

    AI in the Public Sector – III

    Needless to say, digital technologies are not strangers to the public sector.  Indeed, Digital Government (DG) has been the subject of extensive academic research showcasing frameworks, opportunities, and failures, the Global South included. Initially born as e-government, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in and by the public sector has evolved substantially over…

  • AI in the Public Sector – II

    AI in the Public Sector – II

    While competing theories on public services exist, two of the most relevant deserve special mention. In one corner is the French conception, which stems from the French Revolution and directly links public services to the state within a citizen rights context. It is thus very close to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.…

  • AI in the Public Sector – I

    AI in the Public Sector – I

    Historically, the public sector has not been a leader in deploying digital technologies. In fact, it is usually a step or two behind other sectors, including civil society organizations. Reasons for such a predicament go beyond bureaucracy and, in numerous instances, are linked to legitimacy, transparency, and accountability. After all, spending public resources responsibly demands…

  • Measuring AI, Responsibly – II

    Measuring AI, Responsibly – II

    Most reports presenting indices of any kind include a section or annex detailing its methodology and furnishing basic equations to replicate index calculations. Unfortunately, GIRAI does not follow such a pattern. The report has scant information on the topic. The website explains a bit more but falls short, too. However, the latter links to a…

  • The Governance of AI Governance – III

    The Governance of AI Governance – III

    As described in previous posts, governance has evolved historically, assuming different configurations depending on socio-economic and political contexts. In the Capitalist era, the nation-state emerged as the governance master. Still, alternative governance processes demanding the involvement of non-state actors have challenged it in the past 40 years or so. That has put pressure on existing…

  • The Governance of AI Governance – II

    The Governance of AI Governance – II

    The four governance components depicted in the previous post can have highly diverse configurations that depend to a large extent on the specific social characteristics of the groups harnessing to reach given outcomes. Given our core topic, AI governance, my main focus here at the macro level, that is, on specific socio-economic formations, particularly on…

  • The Governance of AI Governance – I

    The Governance of AI Governance – I

    A few years ago, before LLMs successfully colonized the digital world, I led a small team of experts contracted to assess public institutions in an emerging economy. Under the umbrella of government assessments, the job required evaluating the performance of over 20 institutions based on a methodology designed by international subject-matter experts working closely with…

  • Cabbies in Mexico City and Beyond – II

    Cabbies in Mexico City and Beyond – II

    Locals loudly complain about traffic in Mexico City, especially during peak hours. That is also less than ideal for app-driven cabbies. However, I usually tell both cohorts that, comparatively speaking, traffic in the City is not that bad. The situation in other large cities in the Global South I have visited is much worse. In…

  • Cabbies in Mexico City and Beyond

    Cabbies in Mexico City and Beyond

    Almost two decades ago, an army of green VW Beetles operating as taxis swarmed Mexico City like an ant colony in permanent search of the next meal—except cab drivers were not working in teams but competing intensively to get the next customer. Estimates suggest that half of the almost 100k taxis endlessly circulating the City…

  • Major Minor Metals

    Major Minor Metals

    Even though it could not be avoided, I still daydreamed about skipping it. I was getting ready to start my last two years of high school, and the curriculum pinpointed chemistry and physics as my tallest hurdles ahead. If I had a choice, I would have opted for physics as I was already familiar with…

  • AI and ICTs

    AI and ICTs

    Is AI an ICT? It sounds like a straightforward question. But before we dive into those seemingly shallow waters, let us tackle acronym abuse. I hope to use four consistently: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Gen AI (Generative AI), IT (Information Technology), and ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) – while adding a few more along the way.…

  • Generative AI (GenAI) in the Public Sector

    Generative AI (GenAI) in the Public Sector

    It was a last-minute decision. The annual New York Film Festival was underway, and I had carefully studied its lineup. My list had four options: 1. Must see. 2. Should see. 3. See some time later on. And 4. Not really interested. The film playing that day was part of the second set. Sixty minutes…

  • Regulating Digital Platforms – IV

    Regulating Digital Platforms – IV

    That the EU is well ahead of the rest of the world regarding digital technology regulation is not under dispute . The recent agreement on AI regulation provides further evidence of its leadership . A more interesting question is why the Union has not been able to give birth to digital platforms and companies that…

  • Regulating Digital Platforms – III

    Regulating Digital Platforms – III

    Digital platforms are a particular case of the broader platform category and thus have distinct characteristics. At the same time, they come in different forms and shapes. Putting them into a single box is not a piece of cake. Indeed, the devil is in the details. That is undoubtedly a challenge for policymakers and regulators.…

  • Regulating Digital Platforms – II

    Regulating Digital Platforms – II

    As suggested in the first part of this post, not all platforms are digital. In fact, analog platforms are the older siblings. Its digital counterparts are undoubtedly distinct, their calling card usually being their multisided nature – operating in more than one two-sided market. However, analog multisided platforms have also existed for a long time…