Case Studies Outline for ICTs and Gender

The Broadband Commission Working Group on Gender has agreed to produce a short digital report for the upcoming meeting in New York on 21 September. Below is the draft outline I shared with the thematic cluster leaders who are supposed to complete 2 or 3 case studies.

Case studies are a powerful way of sharing on the ground experiences with other development peers and practitioners who might keen interest in replicating particular projects or learning from activities that might be beneficial for their own work.

The elaboration of concise and structured case studies is thus key to accomplish these goals. The outline below highlights the topics that case studies should cover.

I. Project objectives and short description

1. Potential beneficiaries: who is being directly targeted?

2. Development context: where do they happen to live? What are the key issues they are facing?

3. Problem identification: What is the socio-economic, governance or gender issue that needs to be addressed? Can ICTs help and if so how?

II. Implementation

1. Partnerships: Who are the partners in the project?

2. Solution identification: Which solutions are available? Which ones are ICT-based? Why choose an ICT solution over other options?

3. Localization: what are the specific local needs that demand solution localization?

4. Demand-driven: are local beneficiaries fully involved in the project
III. Evaluation and assessment

1. Implementation assessment: what are they main challenges and risks, opportunities and threats?

2. Impact assessment: Was the problem fully solved? If not, what where the main issues?

3. Sustainability and scalability of the overall process. Can the beneficiary go on hes/hir own? Can this process be replicated in other contexts? Can it be scaled up to many other potential beneficiaries?


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