Since its formal launching on September 2011 here in New York, we have been following very closely the activities of the partnership. In addition, several UNDP Country Offices have in fact engaged with national OGP activities and support the implementation of national Open Government Action Plans. Included here are, among others, Montenegro and Ukraine. A short case study on the latter was prepared by us and working closely with the CO in Kiev, government counter-parts and the network of COS that was involved in the process. The report is here:
Being a multi-stakeholder partnership where all players operate on equal footing, OGP did not initially envisage a specific role for multi-lateral development agencies. As a result, a OGP sub-committee was tasked with drafting a framework for multi-lateral engagement. The framework was finally shared with us early this year along with an invitation to formally join the partnership.
The OGP Support Unit will be the main contact point for the potential joint work between UNDP and the partnership. The OGP Networking Mechanism and the Peer Learning and Support Sub-committee will also be involved in the process. I could agree that the suggested structure seems to be a bit complicated…
Here is the response letter from UNDP’s Administrator to OGP’s invitation. The OGP Support Unit reply to UNDP’s letter is here.
One of the first things we could do inside UNDP is to have a virtual place to capture all activities that we are doing in support of the partnership. In 2011 we created a TWs space dedicated to Open Government which we could use. We can also create a mailing list to complement the former.
Comments and questions more than welcome.
Cheers, Raúl