TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux
Weekly Update: 17 February
Read more: Weekly Update: 17 FebruaryHad a late conference call with UNDP Guatemala on Tuesday evening. It seems the new government, which is led by retired army officers, is very interested on e-governance and FOSS. The government has just crated a new Ministry which will focus on transparency while also having some comptroller functions. The head of the new Ministry…
e-governance in Djibouti
Read more: e-governance in DjiboutiDGG Director circulated a request to comment on UNDP Djibouti’s plan programmes. Two of the notes address e-governance (see djibouti-Profil-de-projet-egov and djibouti-Profil-de-projet-egov-2). After a quik review and with inputs from Serge, here is our response. I have received a request from Geraldine to provide initial comments to the e-governance concept notes you kindly shared with…
Weekly Update: 10 February
Read more: Weekly Update: 10 FebruaryCountry office demand for our work on e-governance continues to be on the increase. This week alone Djibouti, Libya, Moldova and Tunisia have asked for support. Last week, DGG Director circulated a series of concept notes prepared by our CO in Djibouti. e-governance is one of the themes they want to address. The CO wants…
Concept Note: DGG and Media
Read more: Concept Note: DGG and MediaBelow is a draft concept note on the above I prepared from DGG Directorate this week. DGG and Media Development Background UNDP’s support to media development has been scant to say the least. UNESCO and other UN agencies have usually taken the lead here for many years now. While Access to Information (A2I) become a…
ICTs and Sustainable Development: Tacking Stock
Read more: ICTs and Sustainable Development: Tacking StockBackground The idea of SDNP ( emerged during preparations for the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit. The perception that many countries, especially poorer ones, lacked reliable information to make effective decisions and promote sustainable development issues was on the table. How could countries take responsibility and be accountable for implementing UNCED agreements in…
SDNP and Rio+20
Read more: SDNP and Rio+20The Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) Using ICTs to effectively support the Rio Agenda Background The idea of SDNP ( emerged during preparations for the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit with the perception that many countries, especially poorer ones, lacked a reliable information base to make effective decisions and promote sustainable development issues.…
Weekly Update: 3 February
Read more: Weekly Update: 3 FebruaryDemands for Open Government (OG) initiatives seem to be on the rise as this week alone I was involved in two conference calls. In addition to Macedonia, where UNDP and the WB have agreed to work together on the topic (and work will expand to Moldova eventually), we spoke to a group of Tunisian activists…
The Power of Social Innovation
Read more: The Power of Social InnovationSuch is the title of a recent post on a Davos meeting of thirty-five or so social innovators from around the globe. Social innovation is not a new concept, not by a long shot. What perhaps is unique about social innovation today is that it is natively emerging in developing countries, including some of the…
Weekly Update – 27 January
Read more: Weekly Update – 27 JanuaryI was on leave all of last week so no real updates to report from trying to rest -although I did spent a lot of time trying to finalize the Mobiles primer. It seems that my mission report on Costa Rica was apparently not well received by project staff. Not sure I understand the reason…
Private Sector Partnerships and Motorola
Read more: Private Sector Partnerships and MotorolaIt seems that the Motorotola Solutions Foundation ( is having second second thoughts about the mobile apps mapping research we have proposed. I got an email from our counterparts there asking for additional information. Below is that I sent. 1. UN and UNDP guidelines are clear in terms if the way we can engage with …
SOPA/PIPA, Privacy and Privatization
Read more: SOPA/PIPA, Privacy and PrivatizationOnce again, we have witnessed the power of the Internet (not only social media!) to empower stakeholders and oppose potential legislation that, some will argue, takes only into account the perspective of those who have resources to lobby the US Congress. For now, SOPA/PIPA (, essentially promoted by the film and recording industry of the…
Week of 8 January – in Spain
Read more: Week of 8 January – in SpainOn an invitation of the autonomous government (Junta) of Andalucía, I spent the whole week meeting with government representatives, private sector companies and academics working on ICTD and using Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) to deliver services and information to the people. Political stability and political will has made this possible as long term policies have…
Weekly Update: 6 January
Read more: Weekly Update: 6 JanuaryAnother short week for me as I came back to the office on the 4th. Not that work stops because I am on leave, not at all. We had our first e-gov staff meeting of 2012 and focused on identifying priority areas for 2012. They are: Ongoing Mobile governance – primer, case studies, guidance note,…
The Internet is NOT a Human Right
Read more: The Internet is NOT a Human RightBack in the summer, a report from the UN linked the Internet to Human Rights. This led many people to conclude that access to the Internet is a human right -although the report did not really say this! I saw the author of the UN report in the IGF meetings in Nairobi last September and…
Best Films – 2011
Read more: Best Films – 2011Juggling travel and work, I still managed to catch 175 films in 2011. Below is a list of the films I liked the most, organized chronologically – in the order that I saw some them along the year. I was able to see a few films that have not been officially released in the US.…