TechPlus+ | Technology & Development Redux
Internet Governance and NetMundial in Brazil
Read more: Internet Governance and NetMundial in BrazilJust got a last minute request from ExO to prepare a briefing on the above due at 2pm. I wonder what will happen with stuff like this when they get rid of all of most of us in a few months…:) Background Internet governance is the name that has been given to the management and…
Saudi Arabia Knowledge Economy Meeting: Recommendations
Read more: Saudi Arabia Knowledge Economy Meeting: RecommendationsI will be attending this meeting that start on Thursday and which finally take place after 9 months of work and 2 previous postponements. The meeting has been scaled down quite a bit as many of the initial speakers dropped out the list as they could not handle the ever changing agenda and dates. The…
Update on OGP
Read more: Update on OGPThe OGP Secretariat asked all 4 multilateral partners to submit an update of activities for the upcoming OGP SC meeting which will take place in May. Here is what we submitted. After the OGP Summit in London, the UNDP Administrator sent a message to the UN Resident Coordinators and UNDP Resident Representatives in UNDP programme…
ICTs for Peace and Cybersecurity
Read more: ICTs for Peace and CybersecurityLast Friday we met with the President of the ICT for Peace Foundation to explore possible areas of collaboration. The President of the foundation is a former Swiss diplomat whom I met in 2001 and who back then was heavily involved in the organization of WSIS. The Foundation has essentially been working on crisis mapping…
Singapore's Public Service Excellence Center and e-governance
Read more: Singapore's Public Service Excellence Center and e-governanceUNDESA/DPADM will be holding its annual Public Service Awards (PSA) gathering in Seoul this coming June and has approached our Singapore center to organize a panel on e-governance/smart governance. As the center has no real expertise in these areas, in spite of their open support for innovation, it has reached out to DGG for support.…
Public Admin and e-gov revisited
Read more: Public Admin and e-gov revisitedWhile the links between public administration (PA) and e-governance (egov) are strong, as evidenced by many UNDP projects and programmes on the ground, this is certainly not the case at the conceptual level. The democratic governance practice, soon to be transformed into something else, has yet to produce any sort of report or guidance on…
OGP Open Data Working Group (ODWG) Work Plan
Read more: OGP Open Data Working Group (ODWG) Work PlanODWG seems to be moving faster than the other 4 OGP workign groups. The group already had a conference call, created a steering committee that we were able to join as UNDP and prepared a draft workplan that has been shared for comments. Below is what I sent on behalf of UNDP. 1. Work plan…
CyberSecurity and Development
Read more: CyberSecurity and DevelopmentSpearheaded by the ITU, the UN has created a high-level steering group (SG) to work on cybersecurity. The SG includes UNESCO, UNODC, and UNCTAD in addition to ITU, UNDP, UN Secretariat and UNDG. The main goal of the group is to develop a cybersecurity/cybercrime strategy that will be presented to the UN in 2014. It…
Frontline SMS and UNDP
Read more: Frontline SMS and UNDPFrontline SMS , founded by Ken Banks, is the pioneer of using this technology in developing countries. For example, Ushahidi made use of the platform in 2007 when it started to track violent events related to the Kenya elections. Nowadays, Frontline SMS has a large network of users and continues to to grow; it has…
Clouds over Cape Town
Read more: Clouds over Cape TownMemory tells me this was the fourth time in the last 14 years I have been in Cape Town on official mission. But I have no doubt that this was the first time I was down there to support the Western Cape (WC) provincial government. Cape Town has a well deserved reputation of being beautiful…
NYU's GovLab
Read more: NYU's GovLabAfter several attempts and 10 weeks in between, I finally visited GovLab which is hosted by NYU. The fact that I had personally met one of the GovLab co-founders, Stefaan Verhulst, did help a bit. Stefaan was previously with the Markle Foundation and we meet over 10 years ago when UNDP and Markle partnered to…
INSIHD in Berlin – Alles Gut?
Read more: INSIHD in Berlin – Alles Gut?The 4th INSIHD meeting took place in Berlin the week of 3 March. We were able to bring together over 25 participants from 15 countries and ensure good representation from Motorola Solutions -which previously had been limited at best. We also secured the participation of 3 UNDP country office staff. This was also the first…
Framework for ICTs, Democratic Governance and Conflict
Read more: Framework for ICTs, Democratic Governance and ConflictWe have been going back and forth with the analytical framework for the guidance note on the above. Below is a draft that tries to put it all together in brief form, keeping mind that the audience is comprised of CO staff. Democratic governance and conflict Democratic governance is often perceived as a stationary state…
OGP in South Africa and UNDP
Read more: OGP in South Africa and UNDPA message from the CO in Pretoria indicates that UNDP ZA is now working with the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), the government OGP official counterpart, to support the implementation of the 2nd national action plan and the implementation of several of the 7 commitments spelled out in the plan. DPSA has also…
What is Contentious Politics?
Read more: What is Contentious Politics?Contention at its core involves claim-making activities that bear on someone else’s interests (Tilly and Tarrow 2007: 4). Contentious politics represent the intersection between contention, politics and collective action. It is defined as “episodic, public and collective” claims made by one or more parties where the state is involved as either the object of such…