DGG Post-2015 Weekly Update – 8 May

Overall UN processes

  • BDP shared latest version of the UN Task Team draft report that will be submitted to the SG. DGG provided comments to the text and submitted them on Monday (draft report and comments have been uploaded to this space)

Global Governance Meeting

  • OHCHR sent message indicating that they are running 10 days late in the submission of the draft concept for the global thematic meeting on Governance. The paper will be send to us this coming Friday

National Consultations

  • John has shared draft DGG strategy for the national consultations with all DG Advisors. So far we have not received any comments…

Virtual Platform

  • Final concept note on the platform has been share with multi-stakeholder group and UNMC
  • A mock site for the platform has been completed and we are currently reviewing before sharing
  • Met with UN Global Pulse to discuss ways in which they can support the platform. Data mining of crowdsourced contributions seems likely. They are however looking for private sector partners to donate software to do this.

Cheers, Raúl